The Art and Design School Project is an interdisciplinary and creative project that offers a free, intimate and intellectual experience within a gallery setting for the discourse on art, design and contemporary culture. It is motivated by the tradition of experimental pedagogies and seeks alternative grounds and ideas in engaging the community of learners through non-conventional means of teaching and learning in Singapore.
Project Rational and Goals The Art and Design School Project is conceived first and foremost as a project. Its liminal presence, by situating within a real space and engaging with live participants yet fictive and future-oriented to some extent supports its unfolding in a projective but pointed and systematic manner. It challenges conventional structure and organization of a school, the methods of knowledge delivery and exchange, as well as the roles of learner and teacher. The project is strongly motivated by the possibility of opening up new concepts and strategies for the future teaching and learning of art and design in Singapore. The Art and Design School Project therefore:
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August 2023